Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni) and Small Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni) Conservation Project in Uzbekistan Popular Science Project, Khorezm Mamun Academy, Khorezm National Wildlife Park, Nukus Balyk fish hatchery, the Rarest Eurasian Sturgeon Species Conservation Programme (promoted by the Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums) present 100%-volunteer Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons Concervation Project
According to information from local fishermen in the lower stream of the Amu Darya river within the last 3 years the numbers of shovelnose sturgeons being occasionally cought in Amu Darya have dramaticcaly decreased. Not a single Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni has been occasionally caught within this period. At the same time the demand for shovelnoses among local population is high as the fish is considered to be an effective cure if a woman is unable to become pregnant. Poaching is increasing respectively.
General Information about Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons
and the project.
Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons represented by two sturgeon species of the genus Pseudoscaphirhynchus are among the most unusual and rarest fishes in the world inhabiting only the basin of Amu Darya River. Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons are amazingly well fitted to live in rapid and muddy waters of Amu Darya. This fish is practically deprived of pigmentation which makes it coloration white, sometimes with yellowish or darkish shades; its eyes are small, almost reduced and it has huge olfactic cavities; Shovelnose Sturgeons are well protected from predators by very sharp spines forming a kind of saw-looking lump along the back; and finally the tail of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon ends with long cord containing multiple receptors which probably serve to select optimal position in strong streams.
So far (by 2022) due to substantial difficulties experienced by the project team in finding resources to finance the activities intended to protect and conserve Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons initial steps only have been taken to discover potential breeding sites of these species at least in the lower stream of Amu Darya River within the inner territory of Uzbekistan (Khorezm province and Karakalpakstan). This area is accessible for researchers while almost the whole remaining stream of Amu Darya River represents the border between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Afganistan, Tadjikistan and Afganistan and access to those areas is problematic. However there are serious reasons to presume that the breeding sites of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons are substantially endangered. The situation is caused by ever changing hydrological regime of Amu Darya River, by large-scale water outlet to ensure irrigation of agricultural areas which existed inside the desert from ancient times but which were considerably increased during the Soviet period. Amu Darya hydrological regime was also much affected in the course of construction of hydroelectric power stations and dams which were undertaken during the Soviet and post-Soviet times and caused water stream velocity and level regulations (e.g. Vakhsh hydroelectric power chain, Tuyamuyun hydroelectric power station). Similar situation can be observed in the basin of Syr Darya River - another largest river of the region. Syr Darya River hydrological regime corrections and loss of spawning sites caused practical extinction of Syr Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus fedtschenkoi) which is the closest relative of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons.
Poaching is another serious problem since Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (the local name is "bakra" or "bekre") in Khorezm Province and in some parts of Karakalpakstan is regarded by local people as an effective cure for female infertility. This phenomenon is a result of peculiar transformation of ancient pre-Islamic beliefs of the Khorezmian people.
Amu Darya River is the home place for two species of Shovelnose Sturgeon, namely the Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni) and especially rare Small Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni). There are two forms of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon and they are commonly named “big broadnose” and “small narrownose” because they are distinguished by their size and form of their head.
Photos of two forms of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni): “big broadnose” and “small narrownose”. Photos were taken by Vladimir Salnikov in Turkmenistan. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved
Source: Bernard R. Kuhajda (University of Alabama, USA), Richard L. Mayden (St.Louis University, USA), Vladimir. B. Sal’nikov (National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna, Turkmenistan). Evolutionary and Conservation Studies of Imperiled Sturgeon Species of the Genus Pseudoscaphirhynchus in Central Asia. Report, 2007. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved (get the report in pdf).
Photos of Small Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni). Photos were taken by Alexey Chernyak. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. The fish was cought in 2015 in Khanka area (Khorezm Province of Uzbekistan) See the location in Google Planet Earth
Watch Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni) (“big broadnose” and “small narrownose” forms) in the pools of Khorezm Mamun Academy in Khiva. June-July 2017 (Alexey Chernyak. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved). See the location of Khorezm Mamun Academy in Google Planet Earth
Small narrownose form of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni)
Big broadnose form of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni)
A group of conservationists and researchers from Uzbekistan and Russia has been trying to implement Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon Conservation Project initiated by Alexey Chernyak, curator of the Rarest Eurasian Sturgeon Species Conservation Programme (promoted by the Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EARAZA) and the manager of the Popular Science Project. During the recent years (until 2020) this group in cooperation with the Khorezm Mamun Academy in Khiva (a branch of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan) was developing propagation methods for Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons and was searching for their feeding areas and spawning sites. In the end of 2021 the newly established Khorezm National Wildlife Park situated in the lower stream of Amu Darya River in Uzbekistan (the area where we monitored the both species of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons) suggested to establish Shovelnose Sturgeons research and propagation facility (experimental sturgeon propagation laboratory) on the territory of the Park (using its area and buildings) and to settle another permit to work with Shovelnose Sturgeons.
Here is the project story:
In December 2014 a license was obtained for catching of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon in Khorezm province of Uzbekistan. This allowed to organize expedition to explore the lower stream of Amu Darya River (in the part located lower the Tuyamuyun hydroelectric power station) and discover localities where both forms of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon and Small Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon inhabit; as a result several specimens of mature (morphologically) Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon including one specimen of the “broadnose” and two specimens of “narrownose” forms had been caught. They were kept in the pool installed in the Khorezm Mamun Academy premises for a long time.
Video of our expedition to Amu Darya River in December 2014 (Alexey Chernyak. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved). Town of Khanka area (Khorezm Province of Uzbekistan) See the location in Google Planet Earth
Next step was to enlarge the Shovelnose Sturgeons reserve group and to work on their propagation in pool conditions.
In 2015 another license was obtained for catching of the both species of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons. In November 2015 – January 2016 new expedition to Khorezm province of Uzbekistan was arranged by Alexey Chernyak to assist Khorezm Mamun Academy to enlarge the Shovelnose Sturgeon reserve group and create small pool complex in the Khorezm Mamun Academy premises. By the end of the expedition both species of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons had been caught and it became possible to watch both forms of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (“big broadnose” and “small narrownose” forms) and Small Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon in one pool.
Videos of our expedition to Amu Darya River in November 2015 - January 2016 (Alexey Chernyak. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved). Town of Khanka area (Khorezm Provine of Uzbekistan) See the location in Google Planet Earth
By the end of our expedition both species of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon had been caught and it became possible to watch both forms of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (“big broadnose” and “small narrownose” forms) and Small Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon in one pool.
In April 2016 and April 2017 experimental works were carried by our group in cooperation with the All-Russian Research Institute of Freshwater Fisheries (VNIIPRH) and Aleksin Sturgeon Breeding Facility (Tula Region of Russia) to determine sex and maturity of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons that had been kept in the small pool complex of Khorezm Mamun Academy in Khiva (for this purpose various methods were used including ultrasound scanning and biopsy) as well as to develop stimulation methods for artifitial spawning. These works received support from the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia.
Videos of ultrasound scanning of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons that had been kept in the small pool complex of Khorezm Mamun Academy in Khiva to determine their sex and maturity. April 2017 (Alexey Chernyak. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved). See the location of Khorezm Mamun Academy in Google Planet Earth
The ultrasound scanning was carried by Alexey Myshkin assisted by Dmitry Balashov (the All-Russian Research Institute of Fresh Water Fisheries (VNIIPRH), with participation of Zokir Radjabov (Khorezm Mamun Academy).
Preliminary research of the feeding areas and estimated spawning sites of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni and Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni) in the Lower Stream of Amu Darya River (in the part located lower the Tuyamuyun hydroelectric power station)
In June-July 2017 the Popular Science Project (Alexey Cherniak as a manager of the Project and Dmitry Palatov as an invited specialist) in cooperation with Khorezm Mamun Academy (a regional branch of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan) (Zokir Rajabov as a curator of Khorezm Mamun Academy Amu Darya Shovelnose Conservation Project) supported by WWF Russia (co-funding) carried preliminary research in the feeding areas and estimated spawning sites of the Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons in the Lower Amu Darya (in the part located lower the Tuyamuyun hydroelectric power station) between Pitnak and Kipchak towns.
Expedition reports (in Russian), videos and photos:
As one of the results of the research work a paper: "Aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Lower Amu Darya" was published (Aquatic macroinvertebrates of the Lower Amu Darya, Dmitry M. Palatov (Altai State University, Lenina 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russia; Moscow State University, Biological Faculty, Leninskie Gory 1/12, Moscow, 119992, Russia), Zokir P. Rajabov (Mamun Academy, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Center-1, Khiva, 220900, Uzbekistan), Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2017, 7(4), 627–632, doi: 10.15421/2017_170). Download the paper (in English)
Video of Project preliminary research in the feeding areas and estimated spawning sites of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons in the Lower Stream of Amu Darya River (in the part located lower the Tuyamuyun hydroelectric power station) in June-July 2017. The first location of research - Town of Pitnak area called Sharlauk (nearby the Tuyamuyun hydroelectric power station) (Alexey Chernyak. Copyright 2017. All rights reserved).See the location in Google Planet Earth
Investigations were carried by Dmitry Palatov (Moscow State University, the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO)
Photos of our expedition to Amu Darya River in November 2015 - January 2016. Town of Khanka area (Khorezm Province of Uzbekistan) See the location in Google Planet Earth
Alexey Chernyak, his family and local fishermen. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved
Photos of
Amu Darya River (town of Khanka area - the location of Shovelnose Sturgeons catching in 2014-2015);
Two forms of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (“big broadnose” and “small narrownose” forms) and Small Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon;
Manipulations to find out sex and maturity of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons that had been kept in the small pool complex of Khorezm Mamun Academy in Khiva and to develop propagation technics. Manipulations were carried by Dmitry Balashov (the All-Russian Research Institute of Fresh Water Fisheries (VNIIPRH) and Dmitry Shebanin (Aleksin Sturgeon Breeding Facility (Tula Region of Russia) assisted by Zokir Radjabov (courator of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons Conservation Project in Uzbekistan).
All photos were taken in April 2016 by Alexey Chernyak. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved
Suspension of the project in 2020
On 31.05.2020 Khorezm Mamun Academy in Khiva informed us that shovelnose conservation project is temporary stopped.
Within last years the foreign specialists participated in the project were not able to get to Khorezm Mamun Academy because of COVID-19 restrictions. There were no serious financial support for shovelnose project in Khiva as well, and paticipants were unable to buy such vital equipment as electricity generator, air conditioner and water fridge, additional pumps and air compressors. By 26.05.2020 abnormally hot weather came to Khiva (+ 45oC). Khorezm Mamun Academy had problems with electricity supplies and Academy staff members could not stop increasing water temperature in pools with shovelnoses and could not provide additional water aeration. That's why administration of Khorezm Mamun Academy in Khiva decided to release urgently all shovelnoses (that had lived in pools since 2014-2015) back to Amu Darya River to the place where they were caught (town of Khanka surroundings, about 70 km from Khiva).
The project team decided to continue the shovelnose project as soon as it could find financial support to buy all the necessary equipment, to provide regular visits of foreign specialists and to arrange a new expedition to catch both big and small shovelnose sturgeons.
In the end of 2021 the newly established Khorezm National Wildlife Park situated in the lower stream of Amu Darya River in Uzbekistan (the area where we monitored the both species of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons) suggested to establish Shovelnose Sturgeons research and propagation facility on the territory of the Park (using its area and buildings) and to settle another permit to work with Shovelnose Sturgeons.
Khorezm National Wildlife Park
In 2019, the Khorezm National Wildlife Park was established in the habitat of both species of Amudarya shovelnose in the lower stream of Amu Darya River (both forms of the Large Amudarya shovelnose (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni), as well as the especially rare Small Amudarya shovelnose (Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni). The management of the park has shown interest in a long-term project to create and operate an experimental sturgeon breeding laboratory on the basis of the National Park with participation of Khorezm Mamun Academy for conservation of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons. It was decided to place the planned laboratory in a well-maintained central administrative building of the National Park, located close to the habitat of both species of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons, that greatly simplifies logistical problems (delivery of captured shovelnoses and delivery of water from Amu Darya River for water change in the system).
Alexey Chernyak who is the popular science project manager and curator of the Rarest Eurasian Sturgeon Species Conservation Programme (promoted by the Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums) visited Khorezm Province of Uzbekistan in September 2022 to meet Atanazar Atazhanov - director of Khorezm National Wildlife Park and Alexey's long-time colleague and partner at Khorezm Mamun Academy - Zakir Rajabov to carefully detail the planned project, which is supposed to be funded by international grants.
Links to published videos:
The central administrative building of Khorezm National Wildlife Park (near Urgench, Khorezm Province, Uzbekistan), where it is planned to establish an experimental sturgeon propagation laboratory for conservation of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons (see the location in Google Maps); Director of Khorezm National Wildlife Park Atanazar Atazhanov and curator of environmental projects for Khorezm Mamun Academy and Khorezm National Wildlife Park Zakir Rajabov discuss Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons conservation project in Uzbek language; popular science project manager and curator the Rarest Eurasian Sturgeon Species Conservation Programme (promoted by the Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums) Alexey Chernyak discusses the project with Atanazar Atazhanov and Zakir Radzhabov:
A joint trip (road) of Khorezm National Wildlife Park director - Atanazar Atazhanov, curator of environmental projects for the Khorezm Mamun Academy and Khorezm National Wildlife Park Zakir Rajabov and Alexey Chernyak from the central administrative building of Khorezm National Wildlife Park to Amu Darya River, to habitats (and catching sites in 2014-2015) of both species of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons; the habitats are partly located in the area which is under control of Khorezm National Wildlife Park (Khanka Area) - see the trip (road) area in Google Maps:
Joint visit of director of the Khorezm National Wildlife Park Atanazar Atazhanov, curator of environmental projects for Khorezm Mamun Academy and Khorezm National Wildlife Park Zakir Rajhabov and Alexey Chernyak to habitats (and catching sites in 2014-2015) of both species of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons in Amu Darya River (Khanka Area of Khorezm National Wildlife Park) (see the location in Google Maps):
A trip of Khorezm National Wildlife Park staff member - Umarbek and Alexey Chernyak from the central administrative building of Khorezm National Wildlifel Park to the field base of local fishermen and fish farmers located on the bank of Amu Darya River close to the habitats (and catching sites in 2014-2015) of both species of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons. These places are situated near Khanka Area of Khorezm National Wildlife Park - an area that is controlled by inspectors of the National park (see the location in Google Maps). Alexey Chernyak discusses with his long-term expedition partner and comrade - Ruslan the possible schemes of primary short-term keeping of caught shovelnoses directly on the main stream of Amu Darya River, their further transportation to the field base of the local fishermen and fish farmers, and secondary keeping the fish there before sending them to laboratory in the central administrative building of Khorezm National Wildlife Park for stationary keeping:
The owner of a large fish breeding facility located not far from the town of Urgench (Koshkupyr area, Khorezm Province, Uzbekistan - see the location in Google Maps), Bahram-aka shows the director of Khorezm National Wildlife Park Atanazar Atazhanov, curator of environmental projects of Khorezm Mamun Academy and Khorezm National Wildlife Park Zakir Rajabov and Alexey Chernyak a well-equipped sturgeon section of the facility, where with the assistance of a specialist from Iran, breeding stocks of Siberian (Lena) Sturgeon and Russian Sturgeon are cultivated for commercial purposes, stimulated spawning of sturgeons, eegs incubation, growing of larvae and offspring are going on. The possibility of providing assistance for Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons Conservation Project to determin sex and degree of maturity of Amu Darya Shovelnoses was discussed, since the facility has got the appropriate equipment and skills to provide ultrasound diagnostics of sturgeons (although much larger than Amu Darya Shovelnoses). They also discussed the possibility of placing Amudarya Shovelnoses offspring in one of the pools for young sturgeons in the facility, when the planned experimental sturgeon propagation laboratory at Khorezm National Wildlife Park would achieve artificial propagation of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeons, and its capacity would not be enough to keep a significant number of shovelnoses offspring in laboratory conditions:
Nukus Balyk fish hatchery
See the location in Google Maps
In recent years Nukus Balyk fish hatchery (Nukus, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan) has become an active partner of the Amu Darya shovelnose sturgeons conservation project. In 2020 Nukus Balyk was registered as Amu Darya shovelnose sturgeons propagation facility. It provided the project with a line of its recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). Water in the system is refreshed from the Amu Darya river through a canal.
Nukus Balyk fish hatchery (Nukus, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan) is opened for visiting to watch Amu Darya shovelnose sturgeons on preliminary arrangement. Addrress and the contact are mentioned below.
The Amu Darya shovelnose sturgeons Conservation Project in Nukus currently needs the following equipment:
EHEIM Universal 3400 water pump
EHEIM Universal 2400 water pump
EHEIM compactON 600 water pump
Schego WS3 air pump
If you have an ability and good will to help the project you may buy the equipment mentioned above and send it directly to Nukus:
230903 Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan Republic, Nukus district, SSG "Samanbay", Rybzavod
Tel./ Telegram/ WhatsApp: +998912610001 Kallybek Primbetov
230903 Узбекистан, Республика Каракалпакстан, Нукусский район, ССГ "Саманбай", Pыбзавод.
Тел./ Telegram/ WhatsApp: +998 91 2610001 Каллыбек Примбетов
You may also communicate with Alexey Chernyak. Tel./ Telegram/ WhatsApp: +7 926 5288128
Photos and video of a big-broadnose form of Large Amu Darya shovelnose sturgeon, weight - 450 gr in Nukus Balyk fish propagation facility. It was caught in the Amu Darya river in Khanka area (Khorezm province, Uzbekistan) - see the location in Google Maps
Nukus Balyk staff feeds shovelnoses with earthworms and pieces of fish. Live earthworms are irresistible for wild shovelnoses at first when they refuse to eat any food that is not alive. Later they begin to take pieces of fish that is not fat.
Examination of the fish on 16.04.2024
Examination of the fish on 14.05.2024
Additional Sources:
The digital morphology of Large Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni)
FishBase (a global species database of fish species):
Amu Darya Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni)
Dwarf Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni)
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species:
Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni)
Small Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus hermanni)
Alexey Chernyak
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